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Let’s review the four benefits of Product Ads now: visibility, visits, advantage, and sales.

Boost your product's visibility

Your product listings will not only appear as organic results but also as paid results. Therefore, they will be seen more times and more frequently, which will give them a higher level of exposure to potential buyers.

Increase your chances of getting visits

Al aparecer más veces y en más espacios, se incrementarán las chances de que alguien cliquee para conocer más sobre tu publicación y, por lo tanto, conseguirás más visitas en la página de tu producto.

Get an advantage over your competitors

Product Ads positions are exclusive: you can only access them by hiring advertising. Even if your product already appears organically in search results, with Product Ads, you could make it appear one additional time, that is, twice in the results of one search. This way, you get more space on the page and it increases your chances of you getting a click instead of your competitors.

Increase your sales and boost your business

Having greater visibility and more visits will result in increasing your sales. Thus, Product Ads is a way to be different from your competitors and to boost your business.

Now that you know what Product Ads is, learn how to optimize your campaigns to get the best results. In the next module, we will show you how to: Plan your campaigns. We look forward to seeing you!